
Pharmacist / Golem Of Gore – Split CD (2020)

Pharmacist / Golem Of Gore – Split CD (2020)

March 13, 2024

A fucking incredible split from two giants of the goregrind world. Golem Of Gore bursts out of your speakers in a frenzy of crazy riffs, absurd pitchshifter vocals and a restaurant kitchen’s worth of pots and saucepans (the drums lol). It’s a hell of a smack to the face, with tracks averaging about a minute long. Pharmacist on the other hand, take a bit more time to make their incisions and fill your mind with…

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Hymen Holocaust – Donec Mors Nos Separaverit (2011)

Hymen Holocaust – Donec Mors Nos Separaverit (2011)

On Donec Mors Nos Separaverit, Hymen Holocaust further hone and perfect their snail-pace goregrind. The vibe in general just feels a bit more mature than the previous records and the crawling pace gives me a Mortician meets Satan’s Revenge On Mankind vibe, which is just absolutely beautiful in every single possible way. The production is organic and clear, and the buzzing guitars stand apart from the sewer monster vocals. The only (small) downside is that…

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Phobia / $krupel – Split 7″ (2006)

Phobia / $krupel – Split 7″ (2006)

March 12, 2024

You’d think this thing would show it’s age with the Bush references but it doesn’t really matter. We have two fucking killer grindcore bands head to head on one split. I’ve had this fucking 7″ for years, I keep losing it (lol) amongst the pile, but every time I break it out every few years, damn I enjoy it so much. Phobia are stalwarts of the scene, blasting away here with laser sharp precision and…

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Wormrot / Diseptic – Split Tape (2008)

Wormrot / Diseptic – Split Tape (2008)

March 11, 2024

The Wormrot stuff sounds very similar to their Dead EP, with a lot of the same tracks (is it even the same session?), but there’s the added bonus of the Diseptic stuff here. I don’t really know shit about Diseptic, they seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth, but they play raw, aggressive, noisy grind led with a deep, growling vocal attack.

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Wormrot – Dead (2008)

Wormrot – Dead (2008)

The Dead EP, another very early release from grindcore stalwarts Wormrot, has marginally better “production” than the group’s initial 2007 promo demo release, but is still a harsh and inconsistent listen. For a band that would become so tight and “on the money” with their delivery, Dead has some interesting riffs / detours which seem to distract from the overall greatness. Nevertheless, the talent is clearly here, even from right at the beginning.

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Wormrot – Demo/Promo 2007 (2007)

Wormrot – Demo/Promo 2007 (2007)

Wormrot’s very first demo from 2007. The quality is dog shit, as to be expected, and the tracks seem to be culled from various recording / rehearsal sessions but even here we can appreciate the talent on display. A lot of these tunes would go on to be rerecorded for the Dead EP in 2008 so this release is for the true grind historians and completionist freax only (unless you prefer terrible production then by…

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Wormrot – Decibel Flexi Series (2011)

Wormrot – Decibel Flexi Series (2011)

One of the downsides of being in the UK is the slight difficulty of getting a hold of these flexi releases from Decibel magazine. On the other hand, do I really want a shelf full of these fucking things that are nearly as thin as paper? Anyway… Here we have three tracks which sound like they are from the Dirge sessions, so we’re talking peak “grind” Wormrot (not that I have a problem at all…

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Urine Festival / Congenital Interior Defects – Split 7” (2010)

Urine Festival / Congenital Interior Defects – Split 7” (2010)

Urine Festival bring that bubbling vats of boiling piss vibe to the party that girls really like. If you wanna holler at a shawty and you want to show her that you’re freaky, play her this 7”. Guaranteed success! CID bring that same piss vats vibe to extra-tone / splittercore drum speeds mixed with oddly coherent riffs. Legit though, when I first heard this 7” back in I wanna say 2010 (I bought it from…

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Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium / Infester – Split Tape (2014)

Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium / Infester – Split Tape (2014)

March 10, 2024

Infester, not to be confused with the older band of the same name, is one of the several hundred thousand Bobby Maggard goregrind projects. A split with NxVx was no doubt inevitable, considering how prolific both bands are. Infester is surprisingly coherent and switched on, with very busy and involved drum programming and excellent riff writing. Top it off with some goregrind vokill sickness and you’re onto a winner. NxVx session is a bit more…

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Last Days Of Humanity / Stoma – Split CD (2001)

Last Days Of Humanity / Stoma – Split CD (2001)

Absolute goregrind perfection. Some of the best LDOH material ever. Relentless drums. Subterranean guitar and bass. Vocals like a volcano erupting through a sewage treatment plant. Almost unbeatable. Stoma are one of the most underrated goregrind bands ever. I say goregrind, even though they style themselves more as “pornogrind”, this is in aesthetic only and the music is 100% fucking savage blasting, buzzsaw strings and pitchshifter vokill annihilation. Seriously, both of these bands go so…

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Last Days Of Humanity / Satan’s Revenge On Mankind – Split CD (2017)

Last Days Of Humanity / Satan’s Revenge On Mankind – Split CD (2017)

Holy shit this fucking split absolutely kills. I’ve not been all that hot on the most recent reformation of Last Days but this is an actual decent live recording, even if the snare is too low, it fucking seriously kicks ass. The session is from the Putrefaction In Progress era so we have absurd drumming and SMES-Erwin vocals which were so absolutely disgusting. SROM are great here too, with a snare sound that is one…

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Intestinal Disgorge / Lincoln Love Log – Split 7” (2007)

Intestinal Disgorge / Lincoln Love Log – Split 7” (2007)

Intestinal Disgorge side sounds huge, I think this was Sociopath era so the band had really hit their stride at this point, churning out endless disgusting screaming goregrind. 4 minutes or so of really cool shit. I wish I could say the same for Lincoln Love Log, which is far messier / harsher in the production as well as delivery. Sounds live to me, or just shitty rehearsal room recording. Nonsensical noisecore seems to be…

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Intestinal Disgorge – Whore Splattered Walls (2001)

Intestinal Disgorge – Whore Splattered Walls (2001)

Like Gut’s Odour Of Torture on bath salts, if I could be so bold. Whore Splattered Walls is 50 minutes solid of frankly quite sordid and terrifying, grinding mush, perpetuated by the group’s trademark “bitch squeals” and interrupted only by brief samples that further devolve the tone. Sick shit.

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V/A – Eatshitbuydie Distro – To Sjort Toe Händel Compilation (2010)

V/A – Eatshitbuydie Distro – To Sjort Toe Händel Compilation (2010)

March 8, 2024

I got this off the back of Too Short To Handle #3, which I got through a trade many moons ago (and is also a 12″ rather than a 7″ like this). Real talk here – what happened to TSTH vol. 2? Was it ever released? Does it skip straight from 1 (this) to 3 as some sort of joke? How bizarre. Anyways, this little piece of white wax varies from the brutal to the…

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Smashing Dumplings – Gastrogrind (2011)

Smashing Dumplings – Gastrogrind (2011)

March 5, 2024

Chunky, blasting grindcore from one of the modern fatherland’s for the genre, that being of course, Czechia. Production is fatty like butter being mixed into mashed potatoes, and the music sounds like you are gargling rich gravy with meaty chunks floating about inside it. LOL. All of the track names are dumpling-related and are pretty hilarious once translated. If you don’t take your grind too seriously this is well worth a listen.

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Mincing Fury And Guttural Clamour Of Queer Decay – 7 (2006)

Mincing Fury And Guttural Clamour Of Queer Decay – 7 (2006)

March 3, 2024

Madness, sheer madness I tells ya! Another band from the “Czech school” of goregrind and brutal death, with spastic drumming and lightening fast riffs. I usually use the term “farmyard vocals” as a cover all for the kind of stuff that Mincing Fury have going for them, but truly the vocal efforts here are more like “freakshow vocals” than any equestrian or bovine equivalent. Lovely production too, which makes this thing kick like a mule,…

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Gut – Odour Of Torture (1995)

Gut – Odour Of Torture (1995)

Gut’s first – and by far their best – full length record, where the band mastered their microblasts of fractured filth. The groove level is off the charts here, something which countless copycat bands have attempts to seize and have failed. Expect long, intrusive samples of various strains of perversity from the vaults, up against silly vocal explosions and some of my favourite production ever for a gore/porn grind album. The drums are crystal clear,…

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Internally Mutilated / Anal Birth / Biocyst / Vomitoma – Split Tape (2008)

Internally Mutilated / Anal Birth / Biocyst / Vomitoma – Split Tape (2008)

February 28, 2024

Internally Mutilated play mama’s gooooood ol’ analogue gorenoise, drowned in a sea of tape hiss and bad samples from some Faces Of Death-sounding clips. The samples are like ligaments between muscle and bone (is that right? I’m not a medical expert lol) and make the bazillion songs on offer here flow together in one giant session, which is just lovely. Anal Birth being the same but more of the blown out speaker style variety, where…

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Methadone Abortion Clinic / Biological Monstrosity – Split CD (2011)

Methadone Abortion Clinic / Biological Monstrosity – Split CD (2011)

Methadone Abortion Clinic are one of the more underrated goregrind projects out there, I think. I’m not sure if they are even still active, but this split is further evidence as to why I consider them so excellent. They seem to blend the slower groovy gore “bulldozer” stuff with more traditional forms of goregrind, and not to mention the sick, bubbling pitchshifter vokills. Biological Monstrosity are not too dissimilar, actually. For the sake of this…

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Shitfun / Industrial Holocaust – Split 7” (2015)

Shitfun / Industrial Holocaust – Split 7” (2015)

A live session from shitfun is backed with a tinnitus-inducing selection of tracks from Industrial Holocaust. Somehow, the live part of this actually sounds chunkier and better produced (figure that out), but Industrial Holocaust bring the Assuck / early Nasum / early Brutal Truth vibes (can you tell by their name? Haha) which are an interesting foil to Shitfun’s more turgid affair.

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Trachoma / Pankreatite Necro Hemorragica – Split CDr (2020)

Trachoma / Pankreatite Necro Hemorragica – Split CDr (2020)

Trachoma is a lesson in brutal gore done very, very well indeed but PNH, despite the thinner production, legitimately sounds like bloody shit flying from your broken ass at 197mph. Truly, utterly disgusting. If the cover picture hasn’t already indicated, this split is for perverted goregrind fiends only. A lovely little gem for those already down the rabbit hole!

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Grindzilla – Toshinquandon (2018)

Grindzilla – Toshinquandon (2018)

Really cool groovy grind with a sick sound; clanking, horrible bass and heavy percussion. Only let down is the somewhat uninspiring vocal approach, but this guy is good at lows so I can’t throw any shade. Bands like this are a dime a dozen but this record was a lot of fun. I’d really like to see these guys play live. I can imagine a beach ball / various other inflatables kinda party at the…

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Schnauzer / Sloth – Split 10” (1998)

Schnauzer / Sloth – Split 10” (1998)

Schnauzer is a trip, as always. Not sure what I can add here that I’ve not already said before, but solid, chugging Ohio “scrap metal” underpins the various outpourings of madness that Jim puts us through. Sloth is a bit more disjoined, with samples and dare I say “acoustic” passages meandering between blurs of manic noisecore and more uhh “traditionally” paced songs of varying styles and genres. All in all, a fun split that doesn’t…

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The Day Everything Became Nothing – Le Mort (2003)

The Day Everything Became Nothing – Le Mort (2003)

February 26, 2024

As with, well, pretty much any The Day Everything Became Nothing release, expect a solid as fuck but somewhat no-frills approach to the “dry heave” school of chest-crushing goregrind. I guess some folk refer to it as “bulldozer” gore, and CBT and Guinea Pig are great examples of contemporaries that share this sound. TDEBN however, eschew the overtly sexual themes usually associated with such brutal forms of music, and instead apply a fairly cryptic, simplistic…

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Intestinal Disgorge – Sociopath (2008)

Intestinal Disgorge – Sociopath (2008)

February 19, 2024

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: there is nothing out there quite like Intestinal Disgorge. Absurd levels of misogyny lead the way on this 50-minute nightmare journey through blasting carnage. Ditties such as “Stupid Fucking Whore Bitch”, “I’m Going to Kidnap You Bitch” and “Worthless Piece of Shit Bitch” are some of the more palatable song titles here which should act as a sounding rod (oo er) to help ascertain whether…

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Foetopsy – In The Bathroom (2007)

Foetopsy – In The Bathroom (2007)

Ants in your pants brutal death metal with a tendancy towards the absurd end of goregrind / porngrind. I’m talking farmyard vocals, pitchshifters, snare drums that sound like dust bins, y’know, the works. Throw in some hilarious samples (as well as some disturbing ones) and 21 total traxxx of blasting madness for you to enjoy. I got this CD through a trade or something many years ago, can’t remember how I got it, just that…

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Anal Penetration / Anal Whore – Split CD (2003)

Anal Penetration / Anal Whore – Split CD (2003)

The Anal Penetration stuff here is dirty as fuck. Blurry, bordering on noisecore levels of gore and or porn for the sick, depraved, musical deviants out there. A stunning noize of disgusting obscenity. Anal Whore, who I am usually a big fan of, sounds a bit off here. There’s like, some weird bass sound (I think) which makes everything sound like a clanking mess, and not in a good way. The Anal Penetration side is…

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Anal Macabre / Escatofagia – Split Cassette (1996)

Anal Macabre / Escatofagia – Split Cassette (1996)

February 18, 2024

Low quality and low effort noisecore and / or grindcore is more or less what’s on offer from both bands here. There is absolutely nothing musically redeeming about any of this – and I suppose in some ways that’s the whole point. Production wise, expect the bassy, low rumbles of tired out cassettes.

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Rawhead / Raw Addict / Blue Holocaust / Active Stenosis – Split CD (2020)

Rawhead / Raw Addict / Blue Holocaust / Active Stenosis – Split CD (2020)

Rawhead bring that FAT production and huge downtuned riff energy to the world of gargling gore. A surprisingly natural drum sound (read: pingageddon mode disabled) rounds out this barrage of swampy gore madness. I’d be doing Raw Addict (what a name!) a disservice if I compared them to early Dead Infection but damn that’s the vibe I get right out of the door with these guys. Crisp, tight blasts cut through a muddy sea of…

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Agathocles / Cannibe – Split Tape (2013)

Agathocles / Cannibe – Split Tape (2013)

February 12, 2024

AGx stuff here I think is live (I think lmao), but pretty fuckin’ solid, and thrown in are a few of the band’s classic tracks to keep things interesting (unique to this session of course). Cannibe session is on par with their other material if you’ve heard it. If not, expect razor sharp guitars and monotonous but also incredibly satisfying drum programming. Insane watery gore vokills are then slathered all over the top of the…

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Xysma – Swarming Of The Maggots (1989)

Xysma – Swarming Of The Maggots (1989)

Imagine that some maniax poured all of the members of Carcass and Agathocles into that giant blender from that halloween episode of The Simpsons where the teachers are eating all of the children at the local school. The contents are then slurried down to what is basically a thick pulp. The pulp is magnetised, pumped out into wafer thin stripes and air-dried for maximum retention of gooey goodness. The thin strips are then wound around…

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Tentacle Porn Monster – Horny Tentacles (2006)

Tentacle Porn Monster – Horny Tentacles (2006)

Quite possibly one of the most awful things I have ever heard, but I already knew that going in. Guess I’m a sucker for degenerate pornogrind and every now and then something like this is a nice palette cleanser. Horny Tentacles has gotta be up there though with the worst of ’em. Horrendously bad! Ha!

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Crisis Sigil – God Cum Poltergeist (2023)

Crisis Sigil – God Cum Poltergeist (2023)

January 12, 2024

Damn, this shit is all over the place! A blistering mix of blasting grindcore carnage and barrages of industrial noise, all chopped and changed up into glitchy, headache-inducing soundscapes. I guess think of breakcore techniques but applied to a slightly different musical landscape. (Recommended by kay192x, thank you!)

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Intrepid Corpse – Desolate (2020)

Intrepid Corpse – Desolate (2020)

December 4, 2023

What is this tuned to? Drop Z? Heavy as fuuuuuck tunes here from this elusive goregrind project. Is Intrepid Corpse no more? I’m not sure! Maybe we should find out. But when it was around and active, this project dropped some amazing records. This release reminds me of earlier Dead Infection, some Blood, perhaps Black Clouds Determinate era of Agathocles (but that might be the artwork talking).

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Cystgurgle – In Regard to Omnipresent Neurofibromatous Matters (2014)

Cystgurgle – In Regard to Omnipresent Neurofibromatous Matters (2014)

December 3, 2023

Ahhhh fucking hell blast blast blast blast! Cystgurgle gotta be one of the standard bearers for “gorenoise” right now, surely? This shit is absolutely fucking unstoppable. What a disgusting, impenetrable gory mess.

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Cock And Ball Torture / Last Days Of Humanity – Split 7” (2001)

Cock And Ball Torture / Last Days Of Humanity – Split 7” (2001)

Open the fukken toilet bowl, two gore legends are gonna crawl out, walk downstairs and play a set in your living dripping with piss and covered in shit. CBT got that porno groove that everyone knows and loves (your gran is a big fan) and LDOH’s music here is the aural equivalent of being turned into a meat crayon underneath an 18 wheeler truck. Fucking top dog split, this.

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The Kill – Speed Freak Killer (2015)

The Kill – Speed Freak Killer (2015)

The Kill play some fuckin’ meaty grindcore. All your desired grindcore traits are here, i.e. ferocious blasts, rabid vokills and harsh production, but daaaaamnnn The Kill also brings the riffs. Case in point being the end of “Digestion”, which breaks out a passage that fucking dares you to not throw down (if I had to do one of those cringe “try not to headbang challenge” videos to this song I’d headbutt my camera into a…

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Urine Festival – Piss Promo 2003 (2003/2022)

Urine Festival – Piss Promo 2003 (2003/2022)

Long overdue rerelease of earlier Urinefestival shits. Expect gurgling toilet water vocals with farting, spluttering burps over the top of it, against the background of the “usual” grinding bass noise and spasticated flurries of drumming. 12 minutes of per audible degeneracy.

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Vile Intent – Machine Into Flesh (2016)

Vile Intent – Machine Into Flesh (2016)

December 2, 2023

20 minutes of intense powerviolence carnage that is sure to blow your dick off. Expect the usual blasting juxtaposition of fast and slow, from tense passages to all-out blastfests, led with rabid, barked vocals. Production-wise this holds up really well too, with a drum sound so clear that most bands in this kinda genre can only dream on it. Great shit.

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Libido Airbag / Cock And Ball Torture – Split CD (2000)

Libido Airbag / Cock And Ball Torture – Split CD (2000)

December 1, 2023

Libido Airbag has a dank fucking sound at the best of times, but the few minutes on offer here seem extra sleazy for some reason. Maybe it is the artwork and archaic format (the CD is super fucking easy to lose as its so thin – glad to see there’s a digipak version now available). CBT of course do what CBT does best, with their bludgeoning, dry-heaving gore clashing horribly (in the best possible way)…

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Blue Holocaust – Flesh For The Cannibal God (2019)

Blue Holocaust – Flesh For The Cannibal God (2019)

Now this is what I’m fucking talking about, lads! Ahhhh my life! This is how you do grindcore properly. Rooted firmily in the genus of Impetigo, Blue Holocaust takes the project’s already killer sound (2004’s Twitch of the Death Nerve is also great) and updates it 15 years later with another stupidly good album. If you like exploitation films, big riffs and toilet bowl vokills, then look no further. This shit is up there with…

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Repulsion – Final Demo (1991)

Repulsion – Final Demo (1991)

November 29, 2023

The one outlier in the Repulsion / Genocide canon. Throughout the band’s history you can track the development of the sound from start to end. On the Final Demo however, things take a turn, perhaps in line with changing of the gaurd musically, in regards to the zeitgeist. Musically, things take a turn towards what can be compared to shit like Impetigo; that loose thrash sound with the heaviness of death metal. Scott is growling…

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Repulsion – Excruciation / Helga (Lost Her Head) (1991)

Repulsion – Excruciation / Helga (Lost Her Head) (1991)

Doesn’t hold a candle to the Horrified sessions but its cool to hear some longer tracks from Repulsion. Both of these appear on the 1991 demo too, so this is hardly essential. My one complaint is that the bass drum is a little “soft”, fluffing through the mix like a giant pillow. Otherwise, this old school sound fucking rules.

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Genocide (Repulsion) – The Stench Of Burning Death (1986)

Genocide (Repulsion) – The Stench Of Burning Death (1986)

Like having fallen into an alternative dimension and this is their version of Repulsion’s Horrified. This is so similar yet so different to the version that we all know and love. The production is different, and there’s a few different songs here that didn’t make it to Horrified era, such as the excellently titled “Crypt Of Terror” (if there’s not a zine named after that then there needs to be). But yeah this shit is…

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Genocide (Repulsion) – Violent Death (1985)

Genocide (Repulsion) – Violent Death (1985)

Clearer and more precise than the earlier rehearsal demo, which a bit of a trainwreck despite its historical status. Here tracks are more fully formed, and we can see where the band are headed in regards to the formation of their sound. Well worth checking out.

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Genocide (Repulsion) – Toxic Metal (1984)

Genocide (Repulsion) – Toxic Metal (1984)

Does it sound like complete and utter ass? Yes. Are the instruments a bass guitar, a cheese grater and a cardboard box? Sure as fuck sounds like it. Is it an important rehearsal demo in the history / development of extreme music? You can bet your life it is, so it is worth checking out for that alone. Hearing the proto-version of “Stench Of Burning Death” in the form of “Cracks Of Doom” is so…

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Repulsion – Final Demo (1991)

Repulsion – Horrified (1989)

What can I say that hasn’t already been said before? Horrified (or is that HorRIFFied am I right?) is a turning point in the direction of underground and / or extreme metal. It marks the point where thrash broke of distinctly into what would become grindcore. Dave Grave’s blastbeats are one of the earliest examples of such a style, at least being played so prevalently throughout all of the songs. And speaking of songs, their…

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Haggus / Toxocariasis – Split Tape (2020)

Haggus / Toxocariasis – Split Tape (2020)

You’ve just done a great big fucking chungus of a shit in the toilet bowl. The toilet itself looks like it’s about to fall apart, the porcelain is cracked and stained, and the water pooling at the bottom had a greenish-yellow tint even before your pulsating brownish horror took a dive into it. Your stomach gurgles a deep subhuman roar, and you realise in horror that it’s not your stomach rumbling after dropping such an…

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Fuck… I’m Dead – Another Gory Mess (2012)

Fuck… I’m Dead – Another Gory Mess (2012)

Fucking drums on this fucking thing are faster than a fucking cheetah driving a fucking porsche across the outback, the sheer speed of it melting the fucking asphalt and tyres along with it. Any wildlife that wanders out into the road just gets fucking mowed down and reduced to a bloody smear on the burning road; guts and organs cooking up on the underside of the car. The cheetah likes this smell. On the stereo…

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Pharmacist / Fluids – Split Tape (2021)

Pharmacist / Fluids – Split Tape (2021)

November 23, 2023

Sad to say more of the same downtuned mush from Fluids, love ’em or hate ’em this split LP does nothing different. Pharmacist on the otherhand are dominating the grinding death metal (ie: Carcass Worship) world right now, and with good reason. The stuff here posesses a clarity that most bands in said style fail to capture, but Pharmacist push it to the next level.

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FesterDecay – FesterDecay Demo 2016 (2016)

FesterDecay – FesterDecay Demo 2016 (2016)

November 22, 2023

Nasty, dirty, disgusting, festering. Fuckin gore vocals on this are absurdly watery. The drums, despite low quality production, are nice and clear. Fucking subterranean guitar tone too, but with the right amount of crunch. Beautiful.

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Torsofuck – Postpartum Exstasy (2023)

Torsofuck – Postpartum Exstasy (2023)

Not gonna lie to you, this is pretty good. I went into it with low expectations and ended up really enjoying this comeback record. Granted, the start is a little shaky (track one just doens’t have the “fuck yeah, Torsofuck is fucking back, fuckwads” feeling that you’d expect after such a huge gap, but the record soon finds its feet and away we go. The drum machine is a bit hollow-sounding, and some of the…

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Depression – Ă„ra Der Finsternis (2020)

Depression – Ă„ra Der Finsternis (2020)

November 21, 2023

I really love what Darkthrone have come back around to doing. This is some sort of very organic mix of black and doom metal, which works with a confident ease you could only attain no doubt after several decades in the game. It’s odd, because there’s not all that many people playing in this style, but it sounds like such an obvious blend of metal subgenres. Tracks like “Impeccable Caverns Of Satan” and “Stalagmite Necklace”…

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Dead Infection – Surgical Disembowelment (1993)

Dead Infection – Surgical Disembowelment (1993)

Earlier Dead Infection is a turbid bowl of rancid mush – and I’m not talking about the lyrical content here. Surgical Disembowelment may be a tad onto the wrong side of “bad production”, where the audio infidelity instead starts to chew at the experience of listening, rather than contributing to it. The grinding of the guitar sounds like a tumble dryer filled with human remains sloshing around at half speed. Nevertheless, if you like dusty…

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CxMxP – Transforming Into A Grinding Beast (2003)

CxMxP – Transforming Into A Grinding Beast (2003)

November 20, 2023

Not as good as the split with DHIBAC but still a solid fucking goregrind album nonetheless. When I think of goregrind, I never see anyone talking about these guys, ever. It seems like they truly slipped through the cracks. Anyway, I guess they are atypical of the style. I guess this is closer to regular grindcore but with some pitchshifter vocals thrown in. Good shit either way.

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Anal Massaker / Musical Arse Decomposition – Split 7” (1996)

Anal Massaker / Musical Arse Decomposition – Split 7” (1996)

November 16, 2023

Nonsense of the highest order, which is why you are here, right? I haven’t heard Anal Massaker since their split with 2 Minuta Dreka so it’s really cool to come back to these guys. It’s just total noisecore fuckery, of course. Musical Arse Decomposition is new for me (lol) and here on the flip side is just more variations on the current theme, to be honest. All good with me though, carry on grinding! This…

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V.G.F. / Warhorness – Split Tape (2001)

V.G.F. / Warhorness – Split Tape (2001)

VGF is an interesting project. Blurring the lines between black metal and noisecore, the side farts and rattles through some disgusting lo fi material. Speaking of lo fi, the Warhorness side isn’t exactly “mastered at half speed over at Abbey Road” quality, but it’s a damn sight clearer than VGF. Songs from Warhorness are in the dirty noisy grind style; short, sharp bursts with callbacks to 80s proto-black/death. Think Nunslaughter but even more perverted and…

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The Death’s Head Quartet – The Death’s Head Quartet (2001)

The Death’s Head Quartet – The Death’s Head Quartet (2001)

You can take one look at the staffing for this record and know immediately what kind of aural carnage you can expect. That being said, DHQ does have some sense of experimental maturity to it that I would not expect from something involving Seth Putnam. Anyway, if low, rumbling, post-apocalyptic sounds are your thing, then check out this improvised record.

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Agoraphobic Nosebleed – Agorapocalypse (2009)

Agoraphobic Nosebleed – Agorapocalypse (2009)

October 29, 2023

Agorapocalypse sometimes seems to get it in the neck for not being quite like the stuff that came before it (that being, of course, absurdly fast bursts of micro-grind). All the pieces are still here though; the savage riffs, the ridiculous drum programming, and the multi-throated triple vocal attack. It’s just, the songs are longer than a usual average of about 24 seconds, and the influences span the metal world, rather than just the ABCs…

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Putrid Stu – Buried Alive in a Trailer Park (2022)

Putrid Stu – Buried Alive in a Trailer Park (2022)

October 26, 2023

Man this fucking rips. Mortician-grade mush for guitars, 90s goregrind vocals, and trashcan drums that are played at blisteringly fast speeds. Putrid Stu is a man after mine own heart, and this four minutes of detuned slop is just absolutely fantastic.

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Intestinal Disgorge / Smallpox Aroma – Split CD (2012)

Intestinal Disgorge / Smallpox Aroma – Split CD (2012)

October 8, 2023

Intestinal Disgorge, here bringing their usual, dense digital goregrind with intense blasting mayhem, farmyard vocals and putrid subject matter, are (literally) music to my ears. I need to get into more from these guys. I was super into them years ago but need to fill in the gaps in their discography, as I’ve yet to hear a bad thing from them. Smallpox Aroma I remember from the MySpace grindcore days (lol) but I don’t think…

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Catasexual Urge Motivation – Death To Pigs (1997 / 2013)

Catasexual Urge Motivation – Death To Pigs (1997 / 2013)

Solid drum machine grindcore with a bizarre, almost occult feel to it. I remember Grind Block re-releasing this like it was yesterday. Anyways, the original Death To Pigs cassette is expanded on with various additional sessions, which definitely bolsters the release and makes it feel like more of a long player. If the song titles don’t throw you off, some of the off-kilter vibes surely will. Come for the blasting grind, stay for the sleazy…

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Wormrot – Dirge (2011)

Wormrot – Dirge (2011)

Dirge takes the aural carnage of Abuse and streamlines it into a more focussed, primal grindcore attack. Don’t get me wrong here, Abuse is fucking amazing, but is a little rough around the edges compared to its slightly younger brother, Dirge. Here the production is smoother (without losing any of the “edge” needed for grindcore to work), and the songs hit that extra harder. The band were arguably at their original peak during the release…

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Cock And Ball Torture – Opus(sy) VI (2000)

Cock And Ball Torture – Opus(sy) VI (2000)

October 5, 2023

Bulldozer gore groove! And lots of it. Listening to shit like this is one of life’s simple pleasures. However, I will say, for gore/pornogrind and the reputation that this band itself has, the levels of degeneracy here are fairly low, as is any unfavourable sampling that you wouldn’t want coming out of your stereo at full pelt for the neighbours to hear. Similarly, production is not only fully audible but actually packs a hell of…

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Gadget – The Funeral March (2006)

Gadget – The Funeral March (2006)

What a clashing, clattering cacophony of cantankerous claustrophobic compositions, culled credously of criteria concocted by contemporary carnage constructors called Nasum (sorry about that, I got stuck in some sort of literary loop). The aptly-titled Funeral March is a blast and a half through blistering high-production grindcore (think the aforementioned Nasum and stuff like Rotten Sound, later Wormrot etc). Expect total aural carnage.

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Haemorrhage – Anatomical Inferno (1998)

Haemorrhage – Anatomical Inferno (1998)

September 25, 2023

A Haemorrhage record is always going to be a good time, if you are a goregrind fan (or just a Carcass fan and don’t mind a bit of “worship”). These guys (and gal) have been plugging away for years and Anatomical Inferno is their third album. I have the Brazilian reissue in my hands. Now, being from the UK, I can’t remember for the life of me where or how I got a hold of…

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Regurgitate – Promo 1999 / Selfdisembowelment (1999 / 2018)

Regurgitate – Promo 1999 / Selfdisembowelment (1999 / 2018)

The “Selfdisembowelment” tape fell into my possession recently, and to be honest, without looking into it further I just assumed that it was some sort of bootleg or compilation of outtakes from around the Carniverous Erection era. What I didn’t know is that this is a reissue of a previously almost impossible to find Promo CD from back in 1999. Left Hand Patches (formerly Fat Ass Records, RIP), have done a very nice job re-releasing…

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Phobia – Grind Core (2014)

Phobia – Grind Core (2014)

This shit absolutely fucking slaps. The riffs on this thing are outstanding. The drums are, well, bonkers. The vocals: savage. Phobia can be a bit hit or miss IMHO, but on this short EP they are firing on all cylinders, I am very much pleased to report. The production is solid and very well-balanced, without losing some of the charm that a rougher sound can give. Honestly, by the time you blink this thing is…

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Impaled Nazarene – Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz… (1993)

Impaled Nazarene – Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz… (1993)

September 17, 2023

I love this thing. Dense, fathomless, evil as fuck – but with a twisted sense of humour too. Production is dank and echoic, which can make the blasting sections a bit difficult to decipher, but generally the production really lends a lot of atmosphere to the proceedings. What I didn’t expect to really enjoy was some of the slower riff sections, where the excellence of the guitar work can be easily noticed, as well as…

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Cattle Decapitation – Human Jerky (1999)

Cattle Decapitation – Human Jerky (1999)

September 9, 2023

The solid, first major entry from the now-legendary Cattle Decapitation. The band that made this record is a long way from the band that is putting out albums today, but this is still well worth checking out, especially if goregrind or grindcore in general is your bag. 18 songs in as many minutes, Human Jerky is frantic and messy, both in musicality (although Serbian (RIP) and Astor hold it down) and also in voice (Travis’…

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Revenge – Infiltration.Downfall.Death (2008)

Revenge – Infiltration.Downfall.Death (2008)

Quality.Consistency.Brutality – You can always count on Revenge to deliver the full-blown headcrashing sledgehammer of unstoppable war metal goodness. Infiltration.Downfall.Death is no different to any of the albums that have come before it (sans as many groove parts as its predecessor, perhaps, but we are splitting hairs), but the quality of the sonic madness offered is so high that one really does not mind to be fed the same carnage over and over and over…

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Shitfun / CrotchRot – Split CD (2015)

Shitfun / CrotchRot – Split CD (2015)

September 4, 2023

What a fucking car crash of a split. Kudos to CemitĂ©rio Records for laying down mad cash to put this farce onto an fully glass mastered CD. RIP your bank account. So, where do I begin? The artwork I suppose. I’m getting a lot of mixed vibes here, none of which make even the remotest sense to me, but there we go. Perhaps I’m missing the point. The carnage starts with Crotch Rot, who are,…

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Pankreatite Necro Hemorrágica – Gross Hymns to Grotesque Pathology (2016)

Pankreatite Necro Hemorrágica – Gross Hymns to Grotesque Pathology (2016)

I found a great big pile of goregrind CDs in my cupboard from a trade about 6 years ago, all without jewel cases and wrapped up in a pile. I totally forgot I even had these fucking things. In amongst the chaos of gore and spiky logos, Gross Hymns stood out to me a mile, probably due to its super fucking disgusting album sleeve. Into the CD tray it goes… So what does it sound…

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Tourette Syndrom – Gabbergrind (2005)

Tourette Syndrom – Gabbergrind (2005)

Hard to digest, jarring “gabbergrind” from QNZ (the guy who would go on to run Rotten Roll Rex) and some other folks, all wearing silly masks and costumes, as par for the course. Coming on like a mix between NHC666 / Libido Airbag grade sleaze and the more bottom-of-the-barrel bedroom goregrind projects one saw explode during the late 2000s (I’m looking at you, MySpace). Lots of ridiculous samples, song titles, vocals and drum programming, with…

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Stoma – Scat Aficionados (2005)

Stoma – Scat Aficionados (2005)

Scat Aficionados has gotta be one of the better sounding goregrind records you can get your disgusting little hands on. Slightly atypical of the blasting gore approach, Stoma do not employ a trashcan / bin-lid snare drum and instead have more regular produced drums (still doing lovely punk beats and insane blastbeats, of course). Production wise, this is where the album shines. Both the guitar and the bass (wow, the bass) sound absolutely gargantuan. Together…

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Atomçk – Weaponised Celebrity (2015)

Atomçk – Weaponised Celebrity (2015)

August 25, 2023

Very cromulent little EP from Atomck, back in the 3 piece daze (I wanna say the Never Work line-up?). The first few tracks are blasting grindcore madness, which is just lovely. Karl’s drums are fuckin crazy. The closing track, “Crowd Pleaser” is a banger too, slowing the pace right down, and including not just noise but also synthesisers, which is a nice touch. It doesn’t sound very “grindcore” when I write it out like that,…

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Agathocles / Fentanyl Surprise – Split Tape (2016)

Agathocles / Fentanyl Surprise – Split Tape (2016)

Fuckin beauty of a cassette. Agathocles stuff is top tier, farmyard vokills over blasting mincecore and fun sillyness is the order of the day. Fentanyl Surprise side of the tape absolutely fuckin crushes it though. Absolutely beastly production with sick, crunching riffs and blasting gore drums / vocals. I’m happy with that – you should be too! LOL

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Hyperemesis / Agathocles – Split Tape (2015)

Hyperemesis / Agathocles – Split Tape (2015)

The Hyperemesis side of this split has to be up there as some of the best goregrind ever recorded, of all time. I don’t lightly make such a statement, but fuck this shit is so goddamn good. The drums are tight, the snare sounding like its going to pop like a can of deoderant thrown into a fire. The riffs are sick as fuck and the vocals are just off the charts. Some of the…

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Suffering Mind – Lifeless (2022)

Suffering Mind – Lifeless (2022)

Fuckin lightning fast grindcore, absolutely no fucking about. Gets in, fucking goes for it, gets out. Side B has an interest piece of sampling and noise collaging, with a bunch of Twin Peaks shit thrown in, which is cool – but the main event happens on Side A, with all the brutal smears of intense grinding carnage. Tidy!

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Meatal Ulcer – Why Won’t It Die?

Meatal Ulcer – Why Won’t It Die?

August 24, 2023

The sound of your head exploding. Man, this shit fuckin slaps. Bridging the gaps between goregrind and gorenoise (the line can be thin sometimes, for sure), and possessing a thick, chunky sound that is capable of carrying the full wet, sloppy impact of Meatal Ulcer’s work from the speakers right into your fuckin face. Why Won’t It Die? doesn’t fuck about, and it certainly doesn’t hang around, with tracks averaging out at around 40 seconds…

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Brujeria – Matando GĂĽeros (1993)

Brujeria – Matando GĂĽeros (1993)

I’ve said before that early Brujeria is a raw fuckin beast of a band, and this debut full length is no different. Possessing an exceptionally downtuned and dirging sound, Brujeria’s grindcore is less frenetic and more bludgeoning in its delivery. Overall, the vibe is “I need a shower”, much the same like listening to more modern bands like Fluids. I guess that feeling comes with the territory when the songs are about machete violence and…

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Revenge – Strike.Smother.Dehumanize (2020)

Revenge – Strike.Smother.Dehumanize (2020)

August 23, 2023

I don’t think it would be unfair to call Revenge a one-dimensional band. Their dimension, is, of course, absolute fucking brutality. You come to Revenge knowing what to expect, and if you don’t, then you come unknowingly, you get your wig split, and then you keep coming back for more (unless you are, as Manowar said, a wimp and / or a poser). The uniform cover art across all releases, in the same stark colour…

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Uncle Buck – Death With Dignity (2017)

Uncle Buck – Death With Dignity (2017)

Tight as a duck’s arse blasting hardcore with top-tier production. Whether hitting top speed or falling into sick two-step style grooves, everything is firing on all cylinders. A short review for a short review, but damn. This shit rules.

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Nuclear Death – Carrion For Worm (1991)

Nuclear Death – Carrion For Worm (1991)

August 10, 2023

Fuckin’ wild piece of work, this. Mangles together elements of grindcore and death metal in a swirling maelstrom pit of cacophonous carnage. There are moments that remind me of war metal bands like Blasphemy and Revenge, if I’m honest. Carrion For Worm is one of the few records recently that I have immediately played through a second time upon completing it. I know next to nothing about the band and this was my first experience…

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Agathocles – Bomb Brussels (2001)

Agathocles – Bomb Brussels (2001)

One of the best places you could hope to start with the Agathocles discography. Bomb Brussels is 15 minutes or so of high quality, non-stop mincecore mayhem. When there’s AGx material out there as good as this, it pains me that so many splits and EPs are borderline unlistenable. The urge to tack a further super low quality set of live tracks onto the end of this thing has also been successfully resisted, leaving Bomb…

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Anal Cunt – The 110 Song EP (2008)

Anal Cunt – The 110 Song EP (2008)

August 4, 2023

I remember when this came out. I was so stoked that Seth was recording music again and then the announcement came that they would reform – albiet temporarily – with the original line-up for the 20th anniversary of the band. The 110 Song EP followed fairly quickly. I remember being a bit disappointed with it when it first dropped, mainly because it sounded like complete shit (and not in a good way). Comparing this to…

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Anal Cunt – It Just Gets Worse (1999)

Anal Cunt – It Just Gets Worse (1999)

August 3, 2023

There is no title as fitting for this album as the title it was actually given. On this 1999 full length (the last proper full length, unless you count the parody album Fuckin’ A), Anal Cunt step up the nastiness both in word and in sound. The song titles and lyrics have reached what I think many would say are the “peak” Anal Cunt style, with a whole smorgasbord of intentionally offensive subjects covered. On…

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Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Insect Warfare – Split 5″ (2008)

Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Insect Warfare – Split 5″ (2008)

July 30, 2023

Agoraphobic Nosebleed mix it up a bit there. There’s a bit of groove, a bit of swaggering riffage, a bit of actual melody (if not melody in the gruff, distorted sense of the word). Parts 1 and 3 are really cool – very out there in the message it’s trying to get across – but very, very catchy for what this is. Insect Warfare here are just absolutely fucking unstoppable. This whole side of the…

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Brujeria – ¡Machetazos! (1992)

Brujeria – ¡Machetazos! (1992)

July 8, 2023

Early Brujeria is some ugly, scary shit. Like, the band did kinda become a parody of themselves. I know it was always a joke in some way, but fuck if the early shit wasn’t some of the nastiest stuff around. The horrors on the record sleeves only helped strike this brutality home, like a err, machete chop. This thing revolves into weird angular bizarre noisy stuff rather than anything grind or death metal in parts,…

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Necropsy Odor – Tales From The Tepid Cavity (2021)

Necropsy Odor – Tales From The Tepid Cavity (2021)

With a bludgeoning production that possesses an unforgiving high-end but with a mule kick of a bass punch to go with it, Tales From The Tepid Cavity is the type of goregrind that gets right in your face and tries to shred it off. Down-tuned, dismal and err, cooking in vomit (their words, not mine), Necropsy Odor are a project for those with a penchant for the sicker side of life.

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Agathocles / Nunslaughter – Split EP (2011)

Agathocles / Nunslaughter – Split EP (2011)

June 30, 2023

Agathocles are once against testing my hearing, seemingly deliberately wanting to give their listeners tinnitus with the mixes on their EPs. Honestly, the songs sound absolutely great but fuck this production all the way to hell. Anyone have an address so I can post some of this treble back to the band? Jesus fucking Christ. Nunslaughter on the other side of this disc are absolutely fucking excellent, bringing two songs of grinding, thrashing sonic carnage….

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Agathocles / Deche-Charge – Split EP (2018)

Agathocles / Deche-Charge – Split EP (2018)

Finally, I come across a split between two legends of the noise worlds. Unfortunately, the AGx stuff here is ear-piercingly uncomfortable to listen to, I almost consider taking the 7″ off the platter and throwing it into the fucking garden, but alas not. I’m glad I didn’t because the Deche-Charge side, whilst is equally as noisy if not more so, but at least it is at a frequency that isn’t carving out the inside of…

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Cock And Ball Torture / Grossmember – Split 7″ (2000)

Cock And Ball Torture / Grossmember – Split 7″ (2000)

June 16, 2023

Grossmember play thick, bludgeoning grindcore with rough production, but the charm of such sounds on such a format (7”) are really what it’s all about when it comes to listening to obscure shit like this. The subject matter and vibe are as disgusting as the cover art, and I really enjoyed their side to this record. If the CBT full length albums are well-formed healthy stools in the toilet bowl of life, then this EP…

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FesterDecay – Carcasses Revenge (2017)

FesterDecay – Carcasses Revenge (2017)

June 4, 2023

Not as good as the later shit but still intense pathological grinding death metal / goregrind in the vein of early Carcass. A short release of only 8 minutes (the version I heard didn’t have the Carcass cover at the end), but worth every second of your time. Tracks like “Liquidised Gallbladder” (how is that even medically possible? I don’t want to find out) and “Centipede In Ass” are just as digusting as you may…

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Impetigo – Ultimo Mondo Cannibale (1990)

Impetigo – Ultimo Mondo Cannibale (1990)

May 30, 2023

Gross, disgusting, beautiful, old school analogue death metal with grindcore elements. In fact, I hate the term “deathgrind” but to use it to describe bands like Impetigo or Blood is very fitting. Things do stray into Mortician territory here and there (as in, massive horror movie sample chunks are thrown in) but otherwise this is pure raw metal Armageddon. I love everything about this. Sick, pulsating production with thick drums and riffs, and barked or…

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Anal Bag – Deep (2012)

Anal Bag – Deep (2012)

May 13, 2023

Deep (I can’t help but think of The Boys’ character of the same name!) sounds more like a compilation than a unified full length, with a variety of sessions and sounds. Every time a new gorenoise blast comes in, it sounds like its a different recording from a different band or session – it’s all very disjointed. But this is gorenoise motherfuckers, so I doubt most if any people would be at all concerned with…

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Fiend – Derailed (2014)

Fiend – Derailed (2014)

May 8, 2023

Intense, non-stop grindcore with blasting, head-crushing production. The drums alone are enough to cave your skull in. The 6 minutes are over before you know it but yeah, you can just play this thing through again a few more times haha Honestly, super savage and as far as I know, under-rated grindcore. Need to check out some more of their splits.

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Agathocles / Rotocles – Split Tape (2013)

Agathocles / Rotocles – Split Tape (2013)

I’ve heard the cassette version of this, rather than the 7″ (both are by Twisted Truth), and there seems to be a longer tracklist, specifically on the AGx part. AGx bring the live material to a split once more, but thankfully it is of excellent quality and you can really get a sense for how these guys just absolutely rip it live (seen them a few times, can confirm). Rotocles are noisy as fuck, which…

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Konflict / Reek Of The Unzen Gas Fumes – Split Tape (2015)

Konflict / Reek Of The Unzen Gas Fumes – Split Tape (2015)

May 7, 2023

This split is the first I’d heard of either of these bands, and I gotta say, it was as uncompromising and as headache-inducing as I expected it to be. I don’t have a physical copy so it’s hard for me to tell where one band ends and the other begins (lol) but if absurdly abrasive audible hell is somewhere in your wheelhouse, you should enjoy this. As someone who “came up through” the cybergrind/digigrind online…

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Destructive Explosion Of Anal Garland – Tour De Anal (2014)

Destructive Explosion Of Anal Garland – Tour De Anal (2014)

May 2, 2023

I’ve kind of been here before, twice before lol, but that’s OK. When your band is called Destructive Explosion Of Anal Garland, you do not need to be completely innovative and progressive. That is not to say the sound hasn’t improved over the trilogy of albums thusfar, mind you. But yeah, what I’m trying to say is that some times, you just want to put your trousers on your head and dance around in a…

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