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  • Number of posts: 8
  • Registration Date: July 31, 2020
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Posts by Gumpy

The Body – No One Deserves Happiness (2016)

The Body – No One Deserves Happiness (2016)

July 23, 2016

(words by Le Manifico Doomfindaaaah Jenerales) Before anything else, can you just take a second to appreciate how amazing that artwork and album title is….ย The Body are a two piece sludge band from somewhere in America. Well I say sludge, but they don’t sound anything like Eyehategod et al, but they are slow, heavy and unpleasant, so it’s close enough. The album opens up pleasantly (if not miserably) enough with “Wanderings” which has just a…

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Agoraphobic Nosebleed – Arc (2016)

Agoraphobic Nosebleed – Arc (2016)

July 5, 2016

(Words by Gumpy, Doomfinder General) Agoraphobic Nosebleed return faster than ever, this time managing to squeeze 27 songs into only 3 minutesโ€ฆ. Wait a second, there’s only 3 songs and one of them is 12 minutes long? It’s a sludge album? What the hell is going on? Shit talking aside there is a very good reason for this drastic change in direction; instead of just making another album, Agoraphobic Nosebleed decided to make 4 becauseโ€ฆ…

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Gnaw Their Tongues – Abyss Of Longing Throats (2015)

Gnaw Their Tongues – Abyss Of Longing Throats (2015)

May 17, 2016

I’d never heard of Gnaw Their Tongues until I saw them live at Roadburn and I was almost instantly blown away by them (I say them – it’s just one guy making so much horrible music from his basement). A mix of black metal and noise would probably be the best way to describe this but then again so would two people screaming at you when the sound of the world ending at million miles…

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Cult of Occult – Five Degrees Of Insanity (2015)

Cult of Occult – Five Degrees Of Insanity (2015)

May 1, 2016

It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot these days but fuck, Cult Of Occult are heavy. From the crushing guitar to the viscous vocals and the pounding drums it’s almost too much at times but it never stops being amazing albeit in a thoroughly unpleasant way. Five Degrees Of Insanity (as can you see from the album cover) is about a man slowly losing his mind – which is a pretty good description…

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Electric Wizard – Come My Fanatics (1997)

Electric Wizard – Come My Fanatics (1997)

November 28, 2015

Electric Wizard areโ€ฆ well you should all know who Electric Wizard are. In a just world every person alive should know who Electric Wizard are. If not, go and listen to the song at the bottom of the post, I’ll waitโ€ฆ Come My Fanatics is Electric Wizard’s (Electric Wizard Electric Wizard Electric Wizard Electric Wizard) second album but it’s the one where they really find their sound. More heaviness, more fuzz, more drugs, more horror…

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Windhand – Soma (2013)

Windhand – Soma (2013)

November 10, 2015

Windhand are a doom band from the USA that play the kind of heavy fuzzy as fuck doom with washed out vocals that everyone loves. Whilst some people will read that as Windhand being some sort of second rate Electric Wizard, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Opener “Orchard” sums up the overall feel of the album with massive fuzzy riff following massive fuzzy riff while vocalist Dorthia Cottrell’s haunting voice helps lull…

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Coven – Witchcraft Destroys Minds And Reaps Souls (1969)

Coven – Witchcraft Destroys Minds And Reaps Souls (1969)

October 16, 2015

(Words by Richard Lewis, Doomfinder General) Coven are one of those bands that time forgot. They are pretty much entirely responsible for creating the occult rock genre (along with Black Widow) and had they been around today they would probably be huge, but since their debut came out in 1969 there was a lot of negativity around their lyrical themes. Instead, they were dropped from their record label and had their debut album taken out…

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Lazarus Blackstar – Revelations (2005)

Lazarus Blackstar – Revelations (2005)

October 3, 2015

(Words by Richard Lewis, our new in-house Doomfinder General) Lazarus Blackstar are a sludge band from England, formed in 2004 out of the ashes of the not-so-slow Khang. Now, being from the UK, you don’t get the feeling that at any point the music is going to fall to shit and band members are going to die like you get from American sludge bands but Lazarus Blackstar even that out with consistent misery and slowness,…

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