Posts by Griefmonger

Avenged Sevenfold – The Stage (2016)

Avenged Sevenfold – The Stage (2016)

March 9, 2017

(Words by Griefmonger) I’m a prissy fuck. I thought this would be a straightforward shit-shoot. And I was wrong. We have got at least 15-17 mins of engaging music (and vocals may I add), although I dare you to try and make it to 20 mins without getting diabetes, which is when it becomes a shitestorm of Trivium, Metallica, Hatebreed and Alice in Chains. There is no amount of nonsense or high end guitar that…

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Burial – Unholy Sedition (2016)

Burial – Unholy Sedition (2016)

February 27, 2017

(Guest Revievv Invokked by Griefmonger on thy infernal date ov 27/02/2017) Polish Darkthrone if they were from Manchester. It’s good; there’s a nice mix of heavy and tremolo riffs with a production that you can hear, both without sounding polished or like it was recorded in your Nan’s shed. I like it. It’s not afraid to go slow and the vocals are just crossing the line of black from death. There’s a fine line. The…

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Sathamel – Sathamel (2015)

Sathamel – Sathamel (2015)

October 3, 2016

(Words by Griefmonger, archivist of blackened aural misanthropies)  A brutal black metal record? “What?” I hear you exclaim! “Warm bass and deep vocals?” Shock horror! What would seem at first as your average death metal chunk-and-stop evolves into a black death slugger quicker than water into good red wine. We have the drill of the tremolo layering the typical bellow and breakdown-friendly nod that what would normally be a staple of a death metal band….

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Wolfbastard – Wolfbastard

Wolfbastard – Wolfbastard

September 23, 2016

Grim, inappropriate, catchy and scathing – these are the first things that come to mind for describing Wolfbastard’s debut. Self-proclaimed as d-beat black metal, don’t expect later Darkthrone worship as this little 21:41 minutes of fuck you has more in common with Discharge-meets-Carpathian Forest than F.O.A.D. It’s a bastard (forgive the pun) of two thirds of blackened death Mancs Burial (more blackened nowadays). The first four tracks have a very grim feel and you can hear the black…

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