Doom II: Perdition’s Gate (1996)

January 4, 2022
Doom II: Perdition’s Gate (1996)

Perdition’s Gate was one of the commercially released yet unofficial Doom II expansions. From the creator’s website, its hinted that Perdition’s Gate was supposed to be a part of Final Doom, but for whatever reason that didn’t happen. Anyways, dodgy software company Wizard Works eventually released this, on the sly. The thought of that being done in 2021 is really quite impressive.

None of this is to shit on Perdition’s Gate, however. I have been playing Doom WADs now in my spare time since about March or April of this year. These vary from old to new (mainly old), and I must admit, that Perdition’s Gate has been my favourite so far. I love the story, I love the level design (often short, sharp and to the point) and I love how challenging it is without being ridiculously impossible to complete. I also draw a lot of parallels between Perdition’s Gate and Quake II (falling down a sewer pipe and starting a new level, dicking about with computers / stopping an alien invasion, and the 2 minutes bomb sequence at the end).

Honestly, this one was an absolute ton of fun to play.

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