Shpongle – Nothing Lasts… But Nothing Is Lost (2005)

October 20, 2021
Shpongle – Nothing Lasts… But Nothing Is Lost (2005)

Nothing Lasts…. has always been my least favourite Shpongle release. I’m not entirely sure where the decision was made to split the record into smaller tracks, but I don’t think it paid off. Sure, Nothing Lasts… flows like one giant session more than anything, but the small little fades between track switch overs only damages the timeless flow and feeling of most Shpongle tracks.

That isn’t to say that this record is bad by any stretch. In fact, in 2020, this little fella got himself remastered, and it sounds as massive and as vital as any other Shpongle record, give or take the fading issue noted above. Maybe I wouldn’t start here if new to the project but there’s no other reason not to listen to this if you enjoy psytrance music.

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