Lamb of God – New American Gospel (2000)

October 9, 2017
Lamb of God – New American Gospel (2000)

I’ve never been much of a fan of Lamb of God. I’ve seen them live multiple times, but they never really connected with me. Their fans, and the whole “southern” metal thing really just turned me off. I’m not entirely sure what it was that made me add New American Gospel to my Spotify to-do list, but I finally got around to listening to it all the same.

The best thing about Lamb of God is their drummer Chris Adler, who is nothing short of a complete pleasure to listen to. The rhythm section of the band carry the performances, placing the somewhat typical riffing and so-so vocals on very high shoulders indeed. The second half of the record is where stuff really picks up for me. “The Subtle Arts of Murder and Persuasion” is incredible, as is “Confessional”, again where the intense drum work stands out.

Overall, the record is very well produced, although I find the vocals to be a bit low in the mix at times for my liking.

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