Lazarus Blackstar – Revelations (2005)

October 3, 2015
Lazarus Blackstar – Revelations (2005)

(Words by Richard Lewis, our new in-house Doomfinder General)

Lazarus Blackstar are a sludge band from England, formed in 2004 out of the ashes of the not-so-slow Khang. Now, being from the UK, you don’t get the feeling that at any point the music is going to fall to shit and band members are going to die like you get from American sludge bands but Lazarus Blackstar even that out with consistent misery and slowness, which can only be a good thing.

The album kicks off with “Revelation I: Day Of Reckoning”, which sets the tone for everything that is to follow; a quiet drum bit and sample gives way to one of the best bass sounds you’ll ever hear (the bass duties are performed by the guitarist for crust punk legends Doom, surprisingly enough). The guitars are sludgy as fuck and then the vocals kick in… such wonderful vocals. Paul Catten probably pulls off tortured screams better than anyone else around and he’s at his best here.

The next 40 or so minutes are just a barrage of sludgy, dirgy goodness which never even comes close to wearing out its welcome. It’s even got a Saint Vitus cover at the end. What more could you ask for?

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