Morbid Angel – Kingdoms Disdained (2017)

December 28, 2017
Morbid Angel – Kingdoms Disdained (2017)

This is a thousand fucking lightyears away from the previous steaming pile of turd that the band put out. Credit is due where credit is due, and I must admit that Kingdoms Disdained is absolutely crushing; miserably heavy riffs meet inhuman drumming and a solid, dense yet full of life and clarity production. One should look to the latter half of “Garden of Disdain” for the perfect example of all these elements working together in the harmony of pure death.

If one was to highlight a criticism it would be with the treble heavy, slightly over-compressed sound, which results in the riffage getting a bit lost in the middle, but allows the drumming by newcomer Scott Fuller to shine through in their intricate glory. I probably don’t have to remind you that Dave Vincent is out (again) and Steve Tucker is in (again), but it is worth mentioning that age has added a gnarled throatiness (lol) to Tucker’s subhuman growl. All in all, it works really well, and it is a pleasure to see Morbid Angel alive and kicking with pure, disgusting energy.

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