Taking Back Sunday – Tidal Wave (2016)

November 14, 2016
Taking Back Sunday – Tidal Wave (2016)

(Words by Burra, who recently gave back Wednesday)

I really like this album. Overall, it feels so much more alive with energy than any of the more recent releases; maybe with a slight return to their classic sound at times. Although nothing they do will ever be as good as Tell All Your Friends or Where You Want To Be, unfortunately thats just how it is! So anything they do always lives in the shadow of those albums, I guess (feel free to disagree, mind).

However, that is not to say they don’t come close at times on this record at re-capturing some of that magic. It stands its ground well. That aside, here is a band that has obviously aged and grown up into a more mature sound over the years, and why would they want to just keep releasing the same record over and over again?

I haven’t caught the band playing anything off this album live yet, but some tracks on here I can imagine go down really well in a live setting, especially the opening track “Death Wolf”; one of my favourites off the album, and a cracking introduction and welcome return.

If you’re already a fan and have followed the bands rise since the mic swinging “emo” pioneers they were, then I’m sure you’ll enjoy this just as much as anything else they’ve done. Lots of energy as well as the odd slow moment. A great record!

Highlights: “I Felt It Too”, “Death Wolf”.

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