Anal Cunt – Fuckin’ A (2011)

August 29, 2020
Anal Cunt – Fuckin’ A (2011)

I vividly remember not being very impressed with Fuckin’ A upon its release. I was baying like a crazed hound for more nasty noisecore, but instead we got this nonsense. However, I can thankfully say that in my old age I have grown to appreciate this bizarre album.

Like, its Anal Cunt but doing hair metal rock and/or roll tracks, of course it sounds awful! But y’know, considering the band in question, the songs are fairly coherent. Things break down considerably when solos are attempted (or a monster ballad) but otherwise things grind along very nicely. It’s worth noting though that some of Seth’s best throat-shredding vocals are on this thing.

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