Shining – Blackjazz (2010)

October 9, 2024

My initial thoughts after returning to this record 14 years later was that it had not aged well. However, I firmly believe this is due to the production, rather than the songs. By the time the middle instrumental part of “The Madness and the Damage Done” had rolled around, I remembered entirely why I fell so much in love with this record in the first place.

I’m not sure if the mix of jazz and metal is for everyone, but that is OK. Some of the tracks here are absolutely fantastic; the hat-trick of “Fisheye”, “Exit Sun” and “Healter Skelter” is highly recommended listening for those who like their harsh, abrasive music to be slathered in mind-bending saxophonic warbling.

Also, comparisons to Mr. Bungle are very fucking lazy indeed – this sounds absolutely nothing like any era of Mr. Bungle.

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