Merzbow – Cycle (2003)

April 23, 2016
Merzbow – Cycle (2003)

Look at all that lovely sand! Well, one assumes it’s sand – like the coloured sand you hammer into crappy glass bottles on family holidays to the beach. No? Well fuck you.

Cycle is a pulsing, circular throb of a noise session, that loops and dives into waves of repetition and (yes) cycles; the palpable worm Ouroboros in wave format, writhing itself in undulations of sonic ecstasy. Yeah. At least, that is what part one sounds like. I expected more of the same from part two (because Merzbow really loves more of the same) but alas I was mistaken – part two starts with a building ambiance of muted synth noise before casually falling apart into a cacophony of what at first appears to be a succession of random sounds.

What’s fascinating is, is that as the final stages of the record progress, the blips and hisses firing from all corners of the aural spectrum begin to sound like wildlife (edit: this record is rumored to include recordings of Merzbow’s personal pet chickens). It is as if you are listening to a machine simulation of the Mekong Delta at sunset, rather than a harsh noise record.

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