Avitronic – Enophophilia (2018)

February 13, 2024
Avitronic – Enophophilia (2018)

I thoroughly enjoyed this journey through the ages of electronic music. I was sitting here vibing, thinking, “damn, this thing covers some bases!”, from the deeper Berlin School origins to the bubblier “acid” approach of the 90s. When the beat kicked in during “Life Making Its Way” I was sold on Enophophilia and went to read the description on the Bandcamp, where the artist admits to wanting to create a hybrid electronic sound that encompasses “electronic music from the 70s to the most contemporary forms”. I’d say that they have hit the nail on the head, fair play.

Cheers to auditory_cortex for the recommendation.

(Stand-outs for me are “Life Making Its Way” and closing track “LUCA”)

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