Autopsy – Tourniquets, Hacksaws and Graves (2014)

August 24, 2023
Autopsy – Tourniquets, Hacksaws and Graves (2014)

The problem with Autopsy, is that you’re always going to be comparing anything that they do to their absolutely legendary first few records. There is not much out there that comes close to that sludgy, disgusting and unique blend of death metal that the band made their own. However, Autopsy are also a band that have safely avoided tarnishing their reputation with unneccessary and pointless and well, downright awful studio albums. Most bands cannot say this, I’m sure. Autopsy however, remain the at the top, like a giant, thick, dark and possibly bloody stool, but one that floats triumphantly nonetheless.

TH&G is cleaner in production than I would personally like, but otherwise it is an extremely enjoyable journey of death, destruction, and metal mayhem. The songs are actually fresh and very enjoyable, and there is a variety of vibes and styles that come through in the album’s run time. Vocally, things are still very good and I have no complaints with this set of songs.

All in all, a solid chunk of death metal.

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