Undeath – More Insane (2024)

October 20, 2024

Undeath are on their third album already. That’s crazy. Well, I guess what’s crazy is how fast time has gone, rather than anything else. Anyway, on to the album. The unfortunate first reaction is that More Insane is actually just More Of The Same but on repeat listens I’ve come to realise that this feels much more polished that the earlier efforts. On top of that, the drumming on this one is particularly of note. Excellent stuff there.

The trouble is, is that I am finding myself less and less interested in Undeath as each record comes out. That might even just be my own personal threshold for this ongoing “old school death metal revival” stuff in general, but it’s interesting to note all the same. More Insane is not bad by any stretch, but it does feel a bit stale in parts. Thankfully, it makes up for it here or there some super heavy riffery.

We may be running out of ways to work with variations on this theme of death metal, but Undeath are still trying their best. That much is evident.