Guttural Secrete – Reek Of Pubescent Despoilment (2006)
I don’t usually like brutal or technical death all that much. It can become a brute force attack of cardboard cutout drum triggers with a side serving of riff salad. But not Guttural Secrete. This shit is fucking outstanding. Punishing is probably the best way to describe it, but an enjoyable and satisfying listen for those on the hunt for new levels of savage barbarity. The production job is fucking glowing, which doesn’t always work (I prefer dirtier / more organic production myself generally) but it really fits the bill here, allowing every microsecond of disgust to truly hit home.
This style of death metal seems to have fallen out of favour as of late, what with the whole OSDM revival movement, but let us not forget the sheer carnage that a band like this can submit us to.