Satanic Warmaster – Aamongandr (2022)
If you thought Fimbulwinter was clean then get your dirty little ears around wrapped around this clinical fucking record! SW really did come full circle from misty / muddy / kvlt as fuck black metal tinged with that trademark Finnish melody, right through to a polished album producing powerhouse filled with triumphant hymns that illicit knotted erections from furries, black metallers and enraged redditors all the same. What am I trying to say, exactly? What is this fever dream of a review? Aamongandr is tight as fuck, let’s not debate that. The guitar work is great, the production is fantastic and Werwolf’s vocals are insanely good. Despite the time gap, it builts off the template laid by Fimbulwinter, but is perhaps, in a fair criticism (and the only criticism I can levy at it aside from making furry jokes), it is now too clinical a sound for a project known to be at the forefront of the intense and trve black metal underground. The sound is, perhaps, a little too sterile now. It is a minor complaint, because otherwise Aamongandr is a very enjoyable listen.
Anyways, I’m off to place a massive order of wolf cocks over at Bad Dragon.