Insane Clown Posse – Flip The Rat (2019)
ICP are another one of those bands where the “side” releases are just as good – or in this case – better than the main studio albums. It’s easy to overlook these so-called “sideshow” releases, especially with the focus on the whole Joker’s Card saga. Flip The Rat is the accompanying EP (at nearly an hour long lol) to the Fearless Fred Fury era, and is a refreshing beacon of decent fucking music in the sea of mediocrity that is the “second deck” of ICP’s career. Flip The Rat at the very least actually sounds like a horrorcore record and is a perfect companion to the Fearless Fred Fury album.
If you find the second deck a bit lacking then don’t miss this one, it’s easily one of the better releases from the period.