Sidetracked / Surfer Joe / MethXCamp / Heckdorlan – Split 7″ (2022)
Squeezing FOUR bands on a 7″ at 45 RPM is a bold move but fuck it this is powerviolence. Let’s run this down:
Sidetracked coming at me like some mad preacher screaming down a megaphone in the middle of the street, backed with a powerviolence three piece, of course. A refreshing approach, I’ll say that!
The interestingly-named Surfer James have a much fatter sound. Really blows your fucking neck out, with huge pit-widening riffs and more, how shall I say, “traditional” bellowed vocals for the style. Tight blasts to boot, too. Fucking great shit this.
Flip over for my favourite Bristol-based noise mongers MethXCamp, who so far have the best production of the whole split (I would never have seen that coming, I’ll be honest haha). Considering it was recorded “in a moldy attic” this shit sounds great. These guys are seriously under-rated. RIP MethXCamp.
Heckdorlan is absolute fucking chaos. Kinda reminds me of the Total Fucking Destruction side of their split 7″ with Agoraphobic Nosebleed. I’m getting bass-noise, snares wound so tight it sounds like a fucking gun shot, just absolute indecipherable carnage when it comes to vocals.
All in all – this is a fucking great split.