Deathstars – Termination Bliss (2006)

When I saw the “Cyanide” single on the TV as a teenager I thought it was pretty cool even though it was clearly very cheesy goth music. I wouldn’t usually be super into this sort of stuff, but I was really into The Kovenant’s Animatronic album, after hearing “Mirror’s Paradise” on one of Bam Margera’s CKY dvds (those were the days, eh). Deathstars to me seemed like KovenantLite, and that was OK with me. I quickly and perhaps illegally obtained a copy of the album, and I really started to enjoy the album. Sure, there are a few uninspired songs, and the whole thing is kinda similar in its own way, but I played the absolute fucking life out of this album.
Nowadays, looking back, some of the vocals are kinda cringe and I really don’t like the whole whisper/shout fry vocal thing that they have going on, but for the most part this held up way better than I ever could have imagined. The production is fantastic, if not a touch dated, but hey, this is old as balls now. I was filled with an immense sadness listening to this, as it was another one of those albums that took me back to my youth. The thing about the good old days, is that you don’t know they are the goodold days until they are long gone.
Anyway – that’s Termination Bliss for you.