Edelweiss – White Flower Power (2020)

Solid but puzzling compilation of “early” Edelweiss stuff, including the White Flower Power / Yeast Of The Mind single, as well as the self titled LP and a few tracks off of the following record, Behind Our Masks. I say it’s “puzzling” because 4 tracks into the run of self-titled tracks, we get the two tracks from Behind Our Masks, before the record closes out with the finale from the self-titled, which makes the track listing a little odd. I guess it might have something to do with this compilation coming out much earlier in 2020 than Behind Our Masks did, which would make the two additional tracks here a bonus to this release. But that still doesn’t explain the running order for me. And hey, let’s be fair, it’s the band’s / DTB’s compilation and they can do what the fuck they want with it, who am I to say otherwise?
All in all this is probably a good place to start with Edelweiss as it combines three early sessions. Personally though, I’d go straight to the Yeast Of The Mind EP / single, that shit rules.
(edit: the art featured here is for the original cassette, not the compilation)