Absurd – Der Fünfzehnjährige Krieg (2008)

November 8, 2023
Absurd – Der Fünfzehnjährige Krieg (2008)

Unless I’m very much mistaken, this is a collection of older tracks from several early demos, EPs, splits etc. but re-recorded in the Totenlieder / Blutgericht style, with the same excellent production. However, it’s an idea I think which will perhaps only be appreciated by only the most die-hard Absurd fans.

Whilst the folk-like simplicity (feel’s weird writing “folk” like that to indicate simple song structuring – just look at Peste Noire’s folk music) offering the only form of rigidity the old demos actually had (let’s be honest, they are terrible), and that same traditional songwriting informed this later period of the band too. Sonically, Totenlieder / Blutgericht etc are a million miles away from the grimey demos of old, but on the “theory” side, musically they are not so different.

Unfortunately, the crystal clear production and the well-oiled machine that is Absurd during this era only serves to expose these early songs for what they are: not very good. As cool as it is to hear something like “Gates Of Heaven” get the treatment it deserves, a lot of these songs are too shaky on their feet and do not hold up well in the bright and unforgiving light of modern production clarity and better musical performance. This is quite a long album too, so as I said, unless you are invested somewhat in the music of Absurd, then this is going to be a slog.

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