Judas Priest – Sad Wings Of Destiny (1976)

Chronologically, Sad Wings Of Destiny is infinitely better than it’s predecessor. For a start, it sounds more like the band we all know and love today, and well, if I could make such a bold statement, this feels like the true debut album for Judas Priest.
Production wise, this is absolutely perfect. Perhaps a symptom of the times, but it’s so well put together that it doesn’t matter if it sounds a bit aged now. Production work like this makes me wish I was around back then. Song-wise, I feel Sad Wings… trails off just a little towards the end, but for the most part, is a brilliant album. One that was, perhaps, a little ahead of its time? I know we had Sabbath at this time but we didn’t really have heavy metal like we do today. And for that we can thank bands like Judas Priest.
Attribution: linesinwax.com