Peste Noire – Folkfuck Folie (2007)

September 17, 2023
Peste Noire – Folkfuck Folie (2007)

Well then, things don’t half fall off after the first record. Folkfuck Folie (what is the title about?) is not necessarily bad but is absolutely not what I was expecting after the super intense, evil and evocative black metal whirlwind that was the band’s debut. Folkfukk is far more fractured and experimental, heading into directions and tangents that, at first at least, seem to distract from the core material on the album – that being similar to the debut but more angular and just downright weird.

I’m not bemoaning the album’s acoustic moments nor the more avant-garde atmospheric or folk-like passages such as marching drums, general sombre ambience and passages that are basically spoken word in form, but this just isn’t as good as the first album, whichever way you cut the cake.

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