Mortician – Demo #1 ’90 (1990)

September 17, 2023
Mortician – Demo #1 ’90 (1990)


I recently got a copy of this on cassette. Whether it’s a legit repressing or a bootleg I’m really not sure nor do I really care, because this shit fucking slaps. To call any era of Mortician’s music “primitive” would be fucking lazy, but the earlier gestations of the band are not quite as streamlined as what would come on the full length records, or even EPs like Brutally Mutilated. That may sound rather obvious, being a review of a demo the band did during their infancy, but it is actually rather striking and quite odd to hear Mortician in this way. They have always been sure of their sound and the vibe that they put forward to the world, even if perhaps how good each passing studio album is does vary, they have indeed been consistent. So, hearing the differences here is very strange.

Either way, this short demo fucking rips, and if you’re here right now nosing at old school death metal demos like this then I’m sure I don’t have to do much to convince you that finding a copy or stream of this is a very good idea. Enjoy!

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