Doom The Way id Did – The Lost Episodes (2012)

March 1, 2023
Doom The Way id Did – The Lost Episodes (2012)

One of the first comments I ever read about this WAD was that it’s absolutely perfect if you have a lot of time on your hands. That rings true, with the 6 fecking episodes that are on display here. It kinda plays like Eviternity on steroids, if only a little more inconsistent.

Personally, I loved Doom The Way id Did, although I never truly felt it “truly” did Doom the way id did (lol), I found that it was a genuine, solid, creative, excellent map pack that was a pleasure to play. The Lost Episodes is purely an extension of that, corralling a ton of the maps that didn’t make the official cut, but are no poorer in quality or anything like that.

There’s a really interesting episode of just tech bases which I enjoyed, as well as the episode of just boss levels, which ranged from the easy peasy to the re-donk-ew-luss in difficulty levels. There’s simply too many levels here for me to pick favourites, but I really enjoyed this massive companion WAD to the main piece.

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