Reverend Bizarre – II: Crush The Insects (2005)

I’ve always loved the production on this record and that super chunky yet warm sound works when the band are playing rousing party-doom or even the slowest, bleakest musical creation that they can conjure up. Speaking of both of these styles, II: Crush The Insects is comprised of both of them. Be fooled not by opening trio of “Doom Over The World”, “The Devil Rides Out” and “Cromwell” (watch out for the bass chords in “Cromwell”, oh my Lord!). Track four, “Slave Of Satan” is like hitting a brick wall and the record continues much in this vein to completion.
If the slower pace is not bothersome to you, then it is well worth joining Sir Albert Witchfinder for the full journey in doom. No doubt this is considered a classic of the genre nowadays.