Cannibal Corpse – Gallery Of Suicide (1998)

Cannibal Corpse’s second record with Corpsegrinder on vocals certainly hits home a bit harder for me than Vile did. Not to shit on Vile at all, but I just prefer this one. The album art features a woman who has perhaps the longest torso in the entire world, and whilst its not one of the best pieces Vince Locke has ever done, it fits the sound here perfectly.
Opening track “I Will Kill You” is iconic, and sets the pace for the brutality that follows. “From Skin To Liquid” is one of my faves here, reminding me in ways of Morbid Angel’s “Where The Slime Live”, bringing untold groove to proceedings, and serving as something of an intermission of sorts. “Every Bone Broken” is another stand-out for me.