Video Nasty – Pizza Tits (2013)

April 1, 2022
Video Nasty – Pizza Tits (2013)

How is this 9 years old? The time, she flies!

I used to trade a lot with the Fuck The Industry label from Japan, who at the time were putting out some of the highest quality home made releases I’d seen. It goes to show how much difference can be made by investing in a decent printer (lol) – all of FTI’s stuff looked the part, both on CDr and cassette.

Video Nasty (not to be confused with UK death metal band Video Nasties) is as far as I can tell a solo noise project (2022 edit: its a two piece according to Discogs). Things here are a bit hectic and all over the place and the CDr doesn’t last very long but it was cool to dig this out to fill in a review I should have written nearly a decade ago. Better late that never, eh?

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