Sam Powell – Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition (Sega Genesis) OST (1994)

July 29, 2021
Sam Powell – Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition (Sega Genesis) OST (1994)

Blue Sky, seemingly in some sort of weird knee-jerk reaction to how slow, creepy and difficult their original Jurassic Park adaption was, followed it up with this insane sequel where Dr. Grant is turned into a machine gun toting maniac hell bent on killing every solider or hired mercenary that moves. A new, just as pompous and ridiculous soundtrack was required then, and so this was dialled up to eleven. Its nowhere near as good as the first one, which composer Sam Powell infused with an unique and awkward creepiness, but this had a listen from me recently on sheer nostalgia alone. Back into the pits of obscure 90s video games you go!

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