Libido Airbag – Testosterone Zone (2013)

July 14, 2021
Libido Airbag – Testosterone Zone (2013)

Ah, good ol’ Libido Airbag. Testosterone Zone was a welcome return after a number of years in absence. If it could be compared to any earlier works then the closest would be the massive techno headfukk of Miss Melanoma. My own criticism of this thing is the crap cover art, but y’know, you can’t really complain in these circles.

The production is honestly the best the duo has ever sounded, Sleaze Servant aside (or on par). For all the filth and grime of the digi and porno grind sub-genres, Libido Airbag takes the crown by not only sounding massive (in later material at least) but by sounding completely and truly unique.

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