Lair Of The Black Blowfly / Pterophylla Camellifolia / Porpoise Disfigurement / Slithis’ Revenge / Undocumented Dweller / Proboscidean Rage – Nature’s Revenge On Mankind 6 Way Split (2014)

Don’t you just love it when something sounds exactly like how the name makes you think it will sound? As far as I’m aware, Lair Of The Black Blowfly is another Bobby Maggard gorenoise based project, of which I’m of the opinion that the world simply cannot have enough of. This is a clever and almost artistic approach to the sheer sheets of noise that we are used to, where themes (and sounds, in the form of swarming flies) of putrefaction are woven intrinsically into the music itself. Like, it’s total fucking noise, but it’s genius.
Slithis Revenge is another Maggard project (again, to my knowledge. Actually are all these “bands” Maggard projects?), and is not a million miles away from the last. Undocumented Dweller offer some interesting noises. All in all, this is an ear-drum excoriating release and should appease most fans of the gore and noise genres.