Miles Davis – Doo-Bop (1992)

I’ve been coming at Miles Davis from both ends recently (oo er), eager to broaden my horizons in both his discography and in forms of jazz. Fusion was my way in, and from there I shall worm my way through all of these records like a dirty little badger! Yeah.
Doo-Bop unfortunately, is not a particularly great record. Miles’ final offering, it saw the legend once more trying to branch off into something new and fresh. Unfortunately, the experiment does not pay off; Miles’ cool, restrained playing mashed with early 90s “hip hop” beats cumulates in a record full of tracks that wouldn’t be amiss playing in an elevator, or on a Discovery channel documentary, or on one of those late night cable TV pornos that doesn’t actually show any penetration.
That is not to say that there aren’t any moments of beauty here; there are several fantastic moods, especially towards the latter half of the record, but unfortunately these are short lived and we quickly return the How Its Made OST.