The Berzerker – The Reawakening (2008)

November 3, 2019
The Berzerker – The Reawakening (2008)

The Berzerker’s final incarnation was a promising one. With a fully revitalised live band and a stunningly fast and precise new drummer, things seems on an upward slant. However, The Reawakening, the first album away from Earache records, falls flat on its arse. Tracks range from uninspired to downright horrible. Riffs that once were brutal as fuck or morosely melodic are clumsy and awkward. The vocals sound like they were recorded in somebody’s living room, and whoever mixed this thing should have been shot at birth. Thank holy fuck for the drums.

Toss in a bunch of stale and boring remixes and you’ve got the finished product that is The Reawakening. Its a shame that such a unrelenting and legendary band went out with such a wet fart of a record, but we can’t have it all, right? Kenny et al still dropped four other massively massively solid albums, so it is easy to overlook this one.

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