Dimmu Borgir – Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (2001)

March 21, 2018
Dimmu Borgir – Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (2001)

After returning to this after some time, the first thing that strikes me is how fucking massive those drums sound. Yeah, the kit is triggered out the wazoo, but this is symphonic metal my dudes, not acid jazz. Nicolas Barker plus triggers equals percussive armageddon. Piledriving blastbeats and mind-warping double bass is the order of the day, leading Dimmu’s razor sharp twinkly goth heaviness from the rear. The band got a bit “poppy” on this record (not quite as close as some of the deathcore chugga chugga riffage on the patchy Abrahadabra, however) but Shagrath’s vicious snarl and Barker’s incredible drumming keeps the band firmly rooted in the underground. A brilliant metal record.

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