Dead Infection – A Chapter Of Accidents (1995)

A Chapter Of Accidents is surely the pinnacle of classic Dead Infection? Fuck it, even in the history and development of the goregrind sound itself. Yeah, I’m going with that! A Chapter Of Accidents manages to stand out in an infernal sea of disgusting goregrind, even by today’s standards. The subterranean production of earlier Dead Infection records is replaced by a crispy – yet still repugnant – sound that is far more suited to the depths of goregrind than it is to dubbed-a-thousand-times demo tape death metal. The most noticeable improvement, if we are listening to Dead Infection canonically, is the drumming, which is now crystal clear, allowing the blast beats to really hit home. The riffs are as thick as sludge still, and the vocals are straight out of Poland’s sewers. Classic stuff.