Disma – Towards The Megalith (2011)

October 5, 2017
Disma – Towards The Megalith (2011)

Towards The Megalith is a bludgeoning epic in explosive, doom-laden, monolithic (or is that megalithic?) death metal. I’ve gotta be honest, I had never heard of these guys until they were announced for – and then controversially dropped from – the first edition of Netherlands Death Fest, due to accusations that the vocalist is involved in some national socialist noise project. Whether he is or not, I couldn’t really give a fuck (that style of project is so puerile it isn’t even worth acknowledging) – the only thing that the whole fracas achieved in my view was that a whole bunch of people who had never heard of Disma were now checking them out. Great work, kids!

Think Disembowelment meets Hooded Menace, or something along those lines. Drawn out, torturous and bleak, yet not boring or droning on. Great stuff!

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