Vermin Womb – Decline (2016)

November 6, 2016
Vermin Womb – Decline (2016)

Holy shit this is intense! Whoever imagined the murky worlds of goregrind and “dark hardcore” meeting? This is the closest thing to mixing powerviolence savagery with nasty, nasty goregrind since I heard the excellent UxDxSx a few years ago. I mean, this isn’t to say that Vermin Womb are a goregrind band, but you need to press play on this beast and get your head around those vocals. There is something Lovecraftian about the sheer magnitude of the roars emanating from this record. Effected or otherwise, I am seriously impressed. They give this death metal-tinged hardcore a massive, massive edge.

There is another band that are a bit more well known that share this vocalist, and that band is Primitive Man. I’ve wanted to do a review for Scorn since I heard it last year but I am a lazy useless asshole so I still haven’t done it. Anyways, I feel I need to go back and dig that record out, because this right here is intense as fuck. It’s heavier than the goddamn fucking sun, fam. It’s like Neurosis decided to do death metal or something.
Very, very impressed.

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