Gets Worse – The Blues (2015)

August 17, 2016
Gets Worse – The Blues (2015)

Gets Worse’s latest EP literally gets worse (I’m so sorry). Nah, I’m kidding – every single time I hear something from these guys they raise the bar. The sound here is absolutely fucking spot on; so crunchy and heavy but with clarity and definition. And the music? Well, it’s Gets Worse, but a little bit more grown up and defined. The fast bits are there; the powerviolence vocals, the cheesegrinder bass, and that interesting snare sound, but there’s also an interesting experimental edge – the slower songs seem that extra bit slower, and there is a fucking saxophone solo at one point. And let’s not forget the Alan Partridge sampling.

This shit is literally the bomb. I cannot, no matter how hard I try (despite my will), find any fault whatsoever with this recording. If you are into heavy music in any way shape or form, I fail to see how you can pick any faults in it. I will crawl outta the band’s arse just a little though, by complaining about the eight minute run time, but hey – this is a fucking EP, not a space opera.

Powerviolence is beauty.

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