Electric Wizard – Come My Fanatics (1997)

November 28, 2015
Electric Wizard – Come My Fanatics (1997)

Electric Wizard are… well you should all know who Electric Wizard are. In a just world every person alive should know who Electric Wizard are. If not, go and listen to the song at the bottom of the post, I’ll wait…

Come My Fanatics is Electric Wizard’s (Electric Wizard Electric Wizard Electric Wizard Electric Wizard) second album but it’s the one where they really find their sound. More heaviness, more fuzz, more drugs, more horror movie samples and buckets of misanthropic psychedelia; the whole thing is just wonderful. There are so many good points about this album that it’s hard to name them all. From the main riff on “Return Trip” (which I think is in with a shout of being the heaviest thing ever) to the amazing bassy psych of “Solarian 13”, and everything in between. Words don’t do it justice, so just go and listen to it instead.

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