Abominable Putridity – In The End Of Human Existence (2007)

Abominable Putridity are a slam death metal band from Russia (although they now have an American member) who formed many moons ago. In The End Of Human Existence is their debut album from 2007, containing 10 cuts of liquescent groovy guttural brutality.
As far as this type of shit goes, In The End Of Human Existence is a fairly no-frills record, but it has a solid, meaty production that hammers the heaviness home with impressive precision and a refreshing punch. It is hard, perhaps nigh on impossible, to be truly original within the genre of slam, but don’t let that distract you from the fact that In The End Of Human Existence is a beast of a death metal record.
Cool fact: later Abominable Putridity recordings feature the vocalist from Pathology (who are fucking ace).