Phyllomedusa ‎– Lunatic Girl And Her Frog (2011)

May 27, 2015
Phyllomedusa ‎– Lunatic Girl And Her Frog (2011)

Phyllomedusa is a frog-based (yes!) goregrind band from, I believe, the US. It’d be easy to write this off as a gimmick but Phyllomedusa has a long-running, high quality output of over 50 albums of frog-based goregrind and gorenoise (2021 edit: and the rest!). Lunatic Girl And Her Frog is probably one of the more better known Phyllomedusa albums – I’ve seen it frequently in the past on forums / YouTube / Facebook groups etc. and I’m attributing this to to either A.) because there’s a chick on the cover or B.) it features slightly slower, more death metal-style songwriting than one usually expects from purveyors of gurgling gorenoise.

The music initially comes on sounding a bit like Torsofuck but after a few minutes you realise there is more going on here than the usual blasting mush of noisy goodness. Phyllomedusa is the thinking man’s gorenoise; the sophisticated grind for the conscious and caring invidual; bubbling, throthing tracks about the welfare of frogs rather than the tired old hack / slash and porn (although hey, you can’t really get enough porn haha).

Ribbit, motherfuckers.

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