Gut – The Cumback (2006)

Gut’s The Cumback is perpetually the best and worst comeback record of all time. How do you modernize the sound of a band whose lo-fi dirges shaped the porngrind genre so much? Why, with rap metal and dodgy electronic passages, of course! What The Cumback lacks in genuine grind it makes up for hilarity and dodgy European porno vibes.
If you can see past the filler (and there’s a lot of filler – you could probably reduce this down to a decent 8 or 9 song EP instead of a 27 track album) the core of “full band” songs are pretty good. “Pimp The Underground” is the first proper song, followed quickly by the sexcellent “Jenna Haze (You’re A Pro)”. I love Jenna Haze, and I love this song (“I love you so”). “Three Handsome Guys” can only have been made by a band with the balls to end up starring in a porno, and then you gotta fast forward six whole tracks to get to the next half decent one – “G.U.T. Forever” is a stomping rock n roll declaration of a band that would last forever (or for another five years anyway).
“Aurora Snow (You’re Not Bad, Hoe)” continues the pornstar tribute tracks (and GUT are right, she’s not bad) before “Throatjob” kicks in. “Throatjob” is by far the best song on the entire album; it’s catchy, groovy, and about blowjobs, so you can’t really go wrong.
Personally, I stick to early Gut or one of the reunion EPs rather than spin this shambles of an album. It’s still got some good jams but overall, it fails to accomplish the simple task of being a listenable album. Saying that, given half a chance, I’d watch these guys live any day of the week, if they decided to reform.