Destructive Explosion Of Anal Garland – Sealing Off The Vagina By Sewer Lid (2006)

May 1, 2015
Destructive Explosion Of Anal Garland – Sealing Off The Vagina By Sewer Lid (2006)

Destructive Explosion Of Anal Garland (who possibly take the award for most unreadable logo ever) are a Czech goregrind band with brutal death metal influences. Sealing Off The Vagina By Sewer Lid has a lot of slam-style parts and farmyard vokills associated with the realms of death metal but the overall vibe is one of groovy porno grindcore. It’s got vibes of Jig-Ai, RazorRape and even Ahumado Granujo (just look at the cover art), but only if you take out the dance music parts. This band has three albums out now, but I still think that Sealing… is the best one yet.

Sealing… offers 17 traxxx of sickness that average around the two minute mark. Expect slams, tinkly blastbeats that sound like they have been done on pots and pans and a sick, dirty, heaving guitar tone. There is Leng T’Che and Regurgitate covers for good measure, but DEOAG have their own brand of goregrind that I am interested in much more than the cover songs.

Czech it out!

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