Desecration – Gore & PerVersion 2 (2003)

The story surrounding Gore & Perversion always comes up at some point with Welsh metalheads over a certain age – we all have our own stories to tell about it, and there’s always one person who knows someone who also knows someone who’s uncle’s dog still has an pristine, uncensored copy of the original. But thanks to the absolute twattery and/or dickfuckery of Gwent police, a piece of death metal history has been blasted off the face off the earth in the name of “decency”. Why don’t you go and tell the sweatshop child slaves making dresses for Primark that Britian is a decent and proper society?
Anyyyyway, several years later, with the complete loss of their debut album more than likely weighing on them in some way shape or form, self-styled Welsh “death metal bastards” Desecration re-recorded everything and put it out as Gore & PerVersion 2, although this time with a much tamer cover picture. If you want to see the drummer getting a blowy in a graveyard then you at least have to open the booklet first. So yeah, repackage the entire album with a close-up of something horrible happening and shorten “Infantile Anal Intercourse” to “I.A.I.” and suddenly Gore & Perversion is now totally acceptable for our decent and proper society to consume. What a fucking massive load of shit.
But the silver lining here is that Version 2 is much, much better than the original. It’s hard to beat a grubby old school death metal independent release, but Version 2 was recorded by a band who had found their feet in their own unique and super-brutal niche of death metal. If I ever want to listen to Gore & Perversion I come to this release, although the original has now been re-released several times with censored artwork.