Incest – Incest (2014)

August 30, 2014
Incest – Incest (2014)

Donno what the fuck is going on here…wow! It’s like Aborym decided to do cybergrind and then do a collab with 7MON and Merzbow. When the longest track is 25 seconds long, and the entire EP a mere 10 songs in length, you know that what Incest has in store for you has just got to be painful. And it is. Sample-heavy drum machine grindcore mashes devastatingly with chunks of harsh noise and power electronics. I’m not sure if there is even a guitar in use here, or just some clever sampling.

Such a short release is gonna spawn a short review, so I’ll just shut up an let Incest do the rest. Released through Vile Noise, a DIY Scottish label.

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