Crowbar Abortion – MK Ultra (2008)

August 14, 2014
Crowbar Abortion – MK Ultra (2008)

This is a classic of the Myspace days, recently revisited by myself as it’s now been uploaded to Torn Flesh Records’ first Bandcamp page (they have four Bandcamps (is that a word? lol) loaded to the gills with all sorts of crazy shit). The world of Crowbar Abortion is a strange one: dancable beats and random electronics mash somewhat excellently with flat-out drum machine grindcore, raspy, distorted vocals and shredding guitar solos (yes!).

Don’t let the shitty cover artwork put you off, this is one hell of a record. It kinda reminds me of The Kovenant, if you crossed them with Enemy Soil and, I dunno…Invasion-era Gigantic Brain? It’s all a bit mental and can be a lot to take in on the first listen. I don’t really know how well this has aged seeing as I loved it when I was a young ‘un and I might be a little bit biased, but if you like your music sporadic, challenging and quite simply dripping with insanity, then I’d look no further for the time being.

Press play, I dare you.

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