Death Grips – NØ LØV∑ D∑∑P W∏B (2012)

July 19, 2014
Death Grips – NØ LØV∑ D∑∑P W∏B (2012)

I already did a review of this record over on Gonzo Karaoke (something I need to do again, that shit is awesome), a wicked website ‘portal’ to a world full of freely downloadable audible awesomeness, but seeing as I also now have the physical edition here in my hands, I guess I have to do another, proper review. It would be a bit cheapskate to just copy the review over, so I’m gonna do a second one, albiet it’ll be a bit brief because I’ve already written about it once before.

The first thing you’ll notice about the vinyl version of Death Grips’ rather cocky 3rd full length* (2nd if you count Exmilitary as a mixtape and not an LP), is that the enormously phallic cover art is nicely censored in an almost PVC-feel sleeve. I’m not particularly offended by the cover art, but I don’t make it my business to be staring at enormously blown up images of cocks either.  *see what I did there?

As is probably expected of me in this post, I will confirm that the sound quality on this pressing is lightyears ahead of the downloadable version, even at 320kbps. I’m not sure if it’s available in .FLAC or something, but it might be worth a look if your more of an audiophile. The depth that the bass hits sounds so much better coming from the vinyl than it does running at 320kbps through my iMac and the same speakers / hi-fi system as my deck plays through. I also notice a lot more going on; little subtle differences are easier on the ear due to the warmer all-over sound. I also have a feeling that if I took this over to my mate’s house and played it on his professionally amped system it’d blow a fucking hole in the wall.

This LP, along with the album before it – The Money Store, are both available at fairly reasonable prices still, which is something of a miracle, as silly hipsters seem to fucking adore this band with their unique and ‘alternative’ approach to hip hop. I know most Death Grips stuff is free, and I’m sure that has contributed somewhat largely to their current popularity, but if you actually enjoy listening to their stuff on a regular basis, I emplore you to buy up some physical records. You won’t regret it.

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