Pressterror – Drrrrrrrressurection Of Suizidcore EP! (2013)

Holy shit what the fuck is going on here!? Ha ha! This is some out-there shit! I’ve experienced gabba and speedcore before but this is a bit more on the edge of insanity; sometimes it goes so fast that there are just blurs of drum hits in a row that sound like a goddamn machine malfunctioning or something. When it slows down enough for some semblance of a beat to kick in, shit is fucking amazing. The sampling is crazy and haywire, coming in where the “songs” seemingly stop, chop and change at various times for any apparent reason.
This 12″ comes off looking like a single release but it’s actually pretty lengthy, giving you more head-melting gabba noise for your buck! What more could you want, other than maybe a bunch of hard drugs to bash into your skull whilst listening to this? By the time track 3 “Fuck You Haters” is on (towards the end of side A) I feel like my brain is trying to leak out of my nose, which I’m not sure is a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it depends on what you want from your music!
Legs Akimbo pressed this abomination of musical integrity onto a 12″ so we could all sit back and close our eyes and pretend we are running through California naked whilst higher than a motherfucker on bath salts, chewing off people’s faces. That’s certainly what I feel like doing after 25 minutes or so of “Suizidcore”. I would say this was definitely a niche release but fuck it, everybody should hear this absolute fucking monster at least once.