Scott Hull – Audiofilm 2 (2010)

It took me a while but I finally got around to buying the second installment in the Audiofilm series. I don’t really know what has taken so long, considering it’s not particularly rare, difficult to obtain or even worth a lot. I got this off Discogs for £1.50, which for even a 3″ CD is criminal. The packaging and artwork is more of the same type of stuff that was introduced on the first Audiofilm disc so I’ll just get on with a quick overview of the music on offer here, as I’ve gone off waffling too much in recent posts!
Audiofilm II is much harsher that it’s predecessor. It opens with some heavy atmospherics, which doesn’t stay in the same state for long; it is only a matter of minutes before things have shifted into drone territory, and a blink of an eye until all outputs build and build until the pummeling atmosphere becomes dangerously close to harsh noise. The track continues in this vein, coming to and fro, but for the most part remaining particularly full-on for something that is meant to be an atmospheric piece. I know noise conjures it’s own atmosphere, but it is not what I was expecting here. Scott Hull is the master of heavy, we all know this, but with Requiem and Audiofilm I, he did not set us up for a harsh noise attack. Here’s hoping to one day seeing the guy return to Japanese Torture Comedy Hour with Jay Randall.
This little 3″ CD was released by the distro/label Crucial Blast, and is limited to 1000 copies. Check out the entire thing in the link below. Make sure you’re speakers are turned up loud and you’re streaming in the highest possible quality.